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(For people that I like and dislike, see 👉 People)

Things I like

  • In people:
    • People who read a lot
    • People who are very curious, eclectic
    • Introverted people
  • Food:
    • Marmite™
    • Chocolate (pure, dark, no milk or nuts, little or no sugar)
  • Giving massages
  • Running
  • Radio 3

Things I do not like

  • In people:
    • People who talk to themselves out loud
    • People who chew gum with their mouths open
    • People who cough, or exhale air heavily, without realising you're close to them
    • People who interrupt others too much when they're speaking
    • People who talk a lot, all the time (ie, people who don't seem to be able to be quiet or to just listen for a while)
    • People who are very extroverted (people with a very intense, expansive personality)
    • People who talk too much about themselves, unprompted; and who keep on trying to surpass your own comments or anecdotes
    • People who gossip
    • People who insist on communicating with me using tools that don't respect my privacy, eg GMail
  • Food:
    • Watermelon
    • Strawberry flavour in things (but I quite like strawberries)
    • Coconut
    • Marzipan
  • Music:
    • Flamenco
    • Ska
    • Reggae
    • Trap
    • Music by:
      • Caetano Veloso
      • AC/DC
      • Rufus Wainwright
    • Songs:
      • Culture Club's “Karma Chameleon”
      • Emilia's “Big Big World”
  • The colour pink
  • Facebook
  • Sending/sharing images, videos or chunks of text when there's a public URL to that instead
  • Bullfighting
  • PETA videos
  • Soccer
  • Receiving massages
  • Swimming
  • The weather forecast (I'm incapable of paying attention to it)
  • Sloppy grammar, spelling or punctuation
  • Unnecessary buzzwords
  • Faulty logic
  • Debates viewed as competitions
  • Unnecessary barbarisms (ie, when valid equivalents exist in the native language)
  • Celebrity culture (celebrities whose job is to be celebrities, “journalists” that swarm around them, media outlets that live off of them both)
  • Religious weddings, baptisms, first communions
  • The regressive left
  • Social justice