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  1. In short
    1. Things I believe in
    2. Things I deem possible, or reasonable
    3. What I think is bollocks

1. In short

1.1. Things I believe in

  • Science.
  • Rationality.
  • Scepticism.
  • Vaccines.
  • Placebo effect.
  • The power of suggestion.

1.2. Things I deem possible, or reasonable

  • Extra-terrestrial life (but for now there's no evidence).
  • Extra-terrestrial intelligence (but for now there's no evidence).
  • Extra-terrestrial intelligence visiting Earth (but for now there's no evidence).
  • Multiverses.

1.3. What I think is bollocks

  • The “paranormal”.
    • Ghosts.
    • Spirits.
    • Psychics.
    • Curses.
    • Voodoo.
    • Evil eye.
  • “Alternative” medicine.
    • Homeopathy.
    • Acupuncture.
    • Chiropractic.
    • Reiki.
    • “Traditional” medicine.
    • “Natural” medicine.
    • “Chinese” medicine.
  • Feng shui.
  • “Intelligent design”.